2022 Year End Update

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Hope For Those Who Are Hurting At Easter

Explore how the hope of Jesus' rule and reign can offer encouragement and comfort amidst daily hardships, as well as how his character can help dispel cynicism and strengthen faith in challenging times. This reflection emphasizes the importance of recognizing Jesus' humanity and his personal experience with the struggles of this world, ultimately helping us to find solace and strength in his shared understanding.

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What Is Communion And Why Do We Do It?

Explore the Christian practice of Communion, its origins, and the significance behind using bread and wine as symbols of Jesus' body and blood. Delve into the importance of remembering Jesus and celebrating his sacrifices through this meaningful tradition.

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Change In The Church Is Healthy, Here's Why.

Discover the importance of change within the church and consider three essential questions to ask before making changes. Adapt to a diverse audience while honoring and respecting the past, ensuring the message of Jesus remains strong and effective.

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