
Small Groups


What Is A Micro-Church?

Micro-churches are unique expressions of church that happen on small scales all around the globe. Throughout scripture churches meet in homes and large assembly areas alike. Paul wrote letters to city wide churches, and individual homes.

Today when we think of a ‘church’ we often think of a larger gathering that meets on Sunday mornings. This is a valid expression of church, but not a full understanding of what the church is and should be.

We believe the ecclesiological minimum for a church is worship, fellowship, and mission. When we reserve the word ‘church’ for a large Sunday morning gathering we miss the beauty that happens in small unseen ministries within the Kingdom of God.

Where most churches have programs, ministries, and small groups we put them all into the catagory of micro-churches to help us remember that church is more then a large weekly gathering!

Do Micro-Churches Always Meet In Homes?

No! Micro-churches can meet ANYWHERE! When two or more believers gather together for worship, fellowship, and mission they are existing as a micro-church. This can be in a home, park, coffee hours, office breakroom, a building owned by a larger expression of church, and so many more places. Micro-churches aren’t about the location.

How is a micro-church different from a small group?

At first blush micro-churches and small groups are very similar, and many small groups could be considered micro-churches. The primary difference comes down to ministry scope and authority.

Ministry scope: Most small group have a narrow focus, usually to build community between those who are a part believing that community will help them support one another spiritually. The micro-church on the other hand adds worship and mission to their ministry. They don’t just exist for each other, but for those who need invited into the kingdom of God.

Authority: The leaders of the small group tend to see themselves as a part of a much larger system that is reaching and discipling people; the pastors are seen as the spiritual authority in group members lives. On the other hand, micro-church leaders realize that God called them to the people in their church. They know they are accountable to God for the condition of the people He entrusted them to lead even if they are part of larger network.
