Chair 1 Seeker

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Brand New

Message Series

When we are accept Christ as our savior we are brand new. In this series we will discuss what this means in our lives.

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Why Is Church Important?


Explore the significance of the church in today's society and learn why its best days are still ahead, despite being filled with imperfect people. Discover the reasons why coming together as believers is necessary and vital, and how Jesus's teachings and sacrifices make the church relevant.

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Four Reasons Christians Need The Church


Explore four reasons why Christians need the church: the importance of surrounding ourselves with fellow believers, discovering our spiritual gifts, seeking guidance under the church's authority, and continually receiving grace for our shortcomings. Embrace the power of the church community and its role in our spiritual growth.

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Money Won’t Solve Your Problems


Discover why money is not the solution to your problems and how transforming our hearts rather than our wallets can bring true happiness. Learn about the importance of valuing God over money and finding our identity and security in Him.

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Husbands Make Terrible Gods


When your marriage isn't fulfilling, take a moment to reevaluate your relationship priorities. Find peace and strength in God, seek His help before turning to your husband, and surround yourself with supportive, married women who can offer valuable insight and encouragement. Remember, your husband is not meant to take God's place in your heart, and your relationship will flourish without placing that pressure on him.

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How You Can Get Out Of Debt


Explore six steps to overcoming debt and achieving financial freedom, including putting God first in your finances, admitting money isn't the problem, attacking your debt, creating a budget, saving and reducing spending, and celebrating your progress.

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Who Am I? Finding Identity in Christ


As Christians, our identity is rooted in Christ and the work he has done for us. One of the most freeing things we can do is to develop a deeper understanding of who scripture says we are. That’s why we are excited to provide you this resource for personal study, reflection, and spiritual growth.

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Big Game Bingo


Big Game Bingo was designed to help your family (or a small group of friends) have a little added competition going while watching this year's game. Everything is clean, family-friendly, and guaranteed to give you the opportunity to cheer about something.

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