How To Remember Your Identity In Christ

3 min read

At some point, we’ve all sized-up our lives based on what we watch on TV, read in magazines, or see on Facebook.

We want to be able to point to something that proves our worth, and demonstrates our success and significance in the world. So we will strive to have the best wardrobe, the biggest bank account, the nicest house, the newest car and the latest smartphone. But somehow it never seems to be enough.

Our worth is determined by whose we are.

When our value in life is based on how we compare to others, we will always find ourselves looking for the next big thing. But more money, more stuff, and more experiences will not satisfy us because our net worth is not determined by what we earn.

Our worth is determined by whose we are.

3 Ways to Remember Your Identity in Christ 

1. Be wise about what and who you listen to

Just because something is on TV doesn’t mean we have to watch it. And just because a magazine is free in the waiting room doesn’t mean we have to read it.

In a letter to the church in Rome, the apostle Paul tells us, “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind” (Romans 12:2).

The same way that what we eat affects how we feel, what we consume spiritually affects how we see ourselves and our world. But we don’t just check out and stop consuming information. Reading the Bible daily is a great way to remind yourself of who you are in Christ. Commit to connecting with other people who are committed to being renewed and following with Jesus.

2. Believe what God says about you. 

It’s one thing to know something; it’s another to accept that information as true or real. God's Word can be trusted when it says:

Let those words sink in and accept them as real. Your physical, mental and spiritual self is a grand work of unique art produced by God.

3. Keep moving forward. 

Our self-worth isn’t based in ourselves, but in our Savior Jesus Christ.

Winning the war over your self-worth is a series of battles rather than just one big event. There will be moments that challenge and there will be moments that deserve celebration, too (Romans 5:2-6).

You can press on not because of your own efforts to be worthy, but because Jesus made you worthy (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus showed how valuable He considers us to be; He died to save us from sin and gave us a new life in relationship with Him (Romans 5:10-11).

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