Three Tips For Celebrating Easter With Your Kids

2 min read

Easter is the most important holiday for parents to celebrate with their kids. While chocolate bunnies and colorful eggs may play a small part in the celebration, the primary focus should be telling our children about God’s love for them. God let Jesus take the punishment for the sin of everyone who would believe in Him by dying on a cross. Easter is the best holiday because we celebrate the truth that Jesus did not stay dead!  God brought Jesus back to life (1 Corinthians 15:3-4)!

Three Ways to Prepare Your Children’s Hearts for Easter

1. Read Easter books and Bible verses that encourage your kids to talk about the reason we celebrate Jesus at Easter.

For preschool and younger elementary kids, consider buying and reading the following books:

  • Benjamin's Box
  • Lily's Easter Party
  • The Parable of the Lily

For older elementary kids, read a portion of the Easter story each day leading up to Easter Sunday:

  • Palm Sunday - Read Mark 11:1-11 where Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey.
  • Monday - Read Mark 14:1-11 where a woman anoints Jesus with perfume and Judas betrays Jesus.
  • Tuesday - Read Mark 14:17-26 where Jesus and His disciples share their last meal. 
  • Wednesday - Read Mark 14:32-41 when Jesus prays in the garden.
  • Thursday - Read Mark 14:43-46 where Jesus is arrested.
  • Friday - Read John 19:16-30 about how Jesus dies on the cross. 
  • Saturday - Read John 19:38-42 where Jesus is buried. 
  • Easter Sunday - Read John 20:1-9 and talk about how Jesus is alive!

2. Make memories celebrating the fact that Jesus is alive!

  • Make a Resurrection Garden using rocks, sticks, soil, and grass seed.
  • Reflect on what Jesus has done for you by using Lenten Lights.
  • Make your own Resurrection Eggs to help your children visualize the Easter story. 
  • Make Resurrection Rolls for Easter breakfast.

3. Spend time reflecting on what Jesus has done for you, and be sure to share your story with your kids.

In Deuteronomy 6:7 and Deuteronomy 11:19, God tells His people to teach their children who He is. Today, parents hold the same responsibility. Celebrating Easter together is an opportunity to tell your children about who God is and the way He has changed your life. Simply share with them what Jesus did on this day and why it has changed your life.

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