Why Is Church Important?

3 min read

When the Church began 2,000 years ago, people imprisoned and stoned believers for sharing the good news of Jesus’ resurrection. Inquisitions, Crusades, and Puritanism followed. In the name of religion, leaders stole from and sold sin forgiveness to believers. They even burned women as witches on the “evidence” of gossip alone.

Christians went from persecuted to persecutors. With a history like the Church has, most organizations would have long since lost all credibility. But fast-forward a few hundred years and churches still exist.

Looking Back At My Own Church Story

I’ve been a member of two denominations, nine churches, and spent more than 3,300 Sundays under the authority of 17 senior pastors. Frequently, church was the last place I wanted to go but remained the place I needed to be.

As a child, I associated church with Sunday school, dress up clothes, songs, cookies, and juice. It’s where I was saved and baptized.

Church was the last place I wanted to go but remained the place I needed to be.

As a tween, going to church was about seeing friends, memorizing Scripture, and asking unanswered questions. Moving up to “big church” should have been an honor, but only resulted in crushing boredom.

As a teen, it was hurting, disappointed, and condemned for a near fatal depressive episode. And for a short time, I walked away.

As a young adult, church became my safety net, but only if I agreed with everyone. When I didn’t, church was torment.

Why Bother With Church Now?

Over the years, I’ve learned something about churches: They are full of sinners just like me. Church is and has always been made up of people who sometimes get it wrong, are judgmental and messy—just like me.

Yet, I am more convinced than ever that church—the coming together of believers and those who seek to know more about Jesus—is not only necessary, it is vital.

3 Reasons The Church’s Best Days Are Still Ahead

1. Jesus died for her.

Jesus promised He would build His Church and not even hell could stop Him (Matthew 16:18). Jesus never made a promise He didn’t keep. He died to enable us to become the building blocks of His Church (1 Corinthians 3:9).

2. Jesus is still worthy of praise.

He doesn’t need our praise or thanksgiving; Jesus is perfect and needs nothing. But because He sacrificed Himself, was made sin for us to pay our debt and make us worthy before God, He is due all praise, thankful words and songs that our mouths can offer Him (Psalm 29:2).

3. Jesus tells us to reach those far from God and teach them to follow Him.

Church is where we learn who Jesus is and how He wants to work through us. It’s where we are commanded to share His love story by teaching the good news of salvation (Matthew 28:19). And it’s where those far from God are invited to know Him, confess sin, repent, and join His family (Ephesians 4:15-16).

As long as we gather to reach, love, and teach others to follow Jesus step by step, the Church will always be relevant.

The community we call Church may be imperfect, opinionated, and messy. But as long as we gather to reach, love, and teach others to follow Jesus step by step, the Church will always be relevant (Hebrews 4:16).

The best really is yet to come!

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