Justice & Missions

He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?

Micah 6:8



We hear the call of God to make a prophetic stand against all forms of evil in our city, nation and world. Because Jesus made our problems His problems, we make this world’s problems our problems. We seek to combat injustice at every level as a church body and as individuals.


Our vision is to be a sending church made up of people who sacrificially love their neighbor both near and far – a mission outpost where ordinary people fall in love with Jesus and are mobilized to do justice, and to change the world.

We dream of changing local neighborhoods, fighting for educational equity, rescuing modern-day slaves, advocating for foster and adoption families, pushing back gang violence, welcoming refugees, loving prisoners, restoring the exploited, enacting justice, and planting churches in some of the most tumultuous regions of the world. Through the power of Jesus, and generosity of our church body, we can transform not only Coatesville, but the world!

We believe the voice of Jesus is calling each of us into the mission of God, but we can't do it alone. What is God calling you to? Share and see others on our Vision Board!

Share The Vision God Gave you!

"For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,"

Matthew 25:35

Weekly Food Giveaway!

Every week we partner with others to bring food into the heart of Coatesville. This simple act of service is an amazing way to showing the love of God to others.

Learn More!

Amos 5:24

But let justice roll on like a river,and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream.

We can't do this alone!

Here are a few organizations serving Coatesville in Jesus Name! Check them out and discover how you can be part of what God is doing through them!

Know of other organizations worth adding? Email Info@CityWell.Church

Chester County Connect Care

“ We are a medical care pregnancy center that exists to educate and empower individuals and their families to make life-affirming choices. ”

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Good Samaritan Services

Mission: Good Samaritan Services compassionately responds to homelessness and poverty through a unique and personalized approach to help our neighbors journey from crisis to stability. We engage the community to support these efforts.

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Good Works

Mission:Transforming lives by repairing homes for low-income families and sharing the hope found in Jesus Christ.

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Life Transforming Ministry

The interpersonal work of prayer, relationship building and reconciliation doesn't always happen spontaneously or in the most visible ways. Working at a task alongside someone can often be an ideal way to build trust. That's why LTM encourages collaborative opportunities to demonstrate Christian unity and transformation through partnerships that meet a community need and build up the potential of our neighbors. The pages in this section will help you explore each partnership we're currently directing. Our hope is that you will be inspired to get involved in an area where God is leading you.

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Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

James 1:27

Justice and Missions Communication List

Want to stay updated as opportunties present to impact the community arise? Join the list!

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