What is Baptism

DJ Grick - 7/6/2024

In this powerful sermon, the meaning and significance of baptism are explored through key scriptures such as Romans 6:1–11 and Matthew 28:18–20. The message is grounded in the Word of God, emphasizing the Bible as our source of truth, hope, and understanding. Key Points Covered: 1. The Great Commission: Matthew 28:18-20 highlights Jesus' command to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, emphasizing our purpose as followers of Christ. 2. Public Declaration: Baptism is a public declaration of faith, similar to a wedding ring as a symbol of commitment. In the 1st century, baptism was performed in public places, boldly announcing, "I have decided to follow Jesus!" 3. Washing Away Sins: Baptism represents a ceremonial washing away of sins, symbolizing being cleansed and made new in Christianity. 4. New Life: John 3 and Romans 6:1-11 explain how baptism signifies dying to our old self and rising to new life in Christ, symbolizing being born again and embracing a Christ-centered life. 5. Obedience to Christ: Baptism is an act of obedience, marking the start of spiritual growth and transformation. Common Questions Answered: Ready to be baptized? Yes, if Jesus is your Savior. Is baptism required for salvation? No, it’s a public declaration. Can I be re-baptized? Yes, if your initial baptism wasn’t a personal decision. Who can baptize? Any follower of Jesus. Does the location matter? No, what matters is the act of obedience.