Praise and Cursing Sep 7th 2024


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Praise and Cursing Sep 7th 2024 - The Book of James

DJ Grick - 9/7/2024

This week's sermon from James 3:1-12 addresses the tremendous power of the tongue and its influence over our lives and those around us. Words have the power to direct, destroy, and delight, and the way we use them can either build others up or tear them down. From guiding ships with small rudders to setting forests ablaze with a single spark, James uses vivid imagery to illustrate the impact our speech can have. In a world where it’s easy to cut others down, this passage challenges us to use our words wisely and intentionally. As we delve into the power of the tongue to direct (James 3:3-5), we’ll discuss its ability to influence and lead, both positively and negatively. We’ll see how our words can destroy relationships, stir up strife, and even corrupt our own lives if left unchecked (James 3:6-7). Yet, the tongue also has the potential to delight—bringing praise to God and encouragement to others (James 3:8-12). We'll reflect on the fire of the Holy Spirit that rested on the disciples at Pentecost (Acts 2:3), contrasting it with the destructive fire that James warns about. Which fire is guiding your tongue? Through practical examples, biblical wisdom, and personal stories, we'll explore how to tame our tongues and use our words for God's glory. Primary Passage: James 3:1-12 Other Passages Used: Psalm 141:3, Acts 2:3, 1 Kings 12, Proverbs 18:21 Hashtags: #TamingTheTongue #CityWellChurch #CoatesvillePA #BiblicalTeaching #James3 #PowerOfWords #SpeakLife #PraiseGod #ChristianLiving