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How To Love Someone Who’s Depressed

Learn three ways to support and love someone dealing with depression, including reminding them of God's faithfulness, being patient, and consistently reaching out to them. Gain insight into how Jesus' love and grace can be shared with those who need it most.

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Why You Have To Follow Up After Someone Shares His Or Her Struggles

Discover the importance of following up and showing care, support, and prayer to people struggling with hard times. Learn from personal experiences and find out what people really need during their difficult moments, including being present, accepting, and offering a listening ear.

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How To Deal With Depression

Explore how to cope with depression and anxiety by asking for help, being open to counseling and medication, and remembering that God is always there to provide strength and encouragement. Remember, you are not alone in your struggles and talking to others can be a powerful way to receive Jesus' love.

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What The Bible Says About Justice

Explore the importance of justice in the Bible and how it can guide us to living a more just and compassionate life. Learn about relevant verses and themes that demonstrate justice as a fundamental aspect of God's nature and intentions for the world.

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Are You A Christian Internet Troll?

Explore four constructive ways to be a Christian on the internet and learn how to represent Jesus in the digital world by avoiding angry posts, not portraying a perfect life, focusing on sharing positivity, and thinking before posting.

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What Happens When You Facebook Binge

Explore the negative impacts of comparing our lives to others' on social media, and learn to break free from these unrealistic expectations by being true to yourself and finding your identity in God.

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Why You Feel Isolated In A World Of Social Media

Explore how social media can make us feel isolated and the importance of deep, intimate relationships over followers. This article provides five reasons to pursue friendships over followers, including God's creation of intimate community, His own example of community through the Holy Trinity, the honesty of real friends, the desire for deeper connections, and the support friends provide in pointing us back to Jesus.

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Why It Matters To Know God As Your Father

Discover the personal journey of a father who learns the beauty of spiritual adoption through his experience of adopting a five-year-old boy from China. By seeing his relationship with his adopted son as a reflection of his relationship with God the Father, the author comes to understand the boundless love, closeness, and security that God offers as our spiritual Father.

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How To Remember Your Identity In Christ

Discover the importance of self-worth and learn three ways to remember your identity in Christ, including being wise about what and who you listen to, believing in what God says about you, and continually moving forward in your faith.

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You Are Not Defined By Your Past

Explore the difference between guilt and conviction and how embracing Jesus' gift of salvation can free you from the crippling effects of guilt. Learn to let go of negative self-perceptions and focus on the positive identity given by Jesus, finding freedom in his love and forgiveness.

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