How To Avoid Buyer's Remorse

3 min read

Have you ever made a purchase that you believed was a great idea at the time only to dread having made the purchase later?

That regret is called buyer’s remorse, and it can easily find its way into our wallets. It can cause feelings of guilt, fear, anxiety, and even depression. Whether the decision was big or small, those bad financial choices can haunt us for days, weeks, or even years to come. Instead, practice self-control in your finances with these tips (Galatians 5:22).

Three tips to avoid buyer’s remorse

1. Plan before you shop!

What are you in the market for and what are your needs? Do the research online or in the store (if you can resist the temptation of buying it immediately) to find the product or item that would meet your needs and be within your means. This works for everything from grocery shopping to buying a home.

2. Save before you spend!

Now that you are armed with the facts, it is time to construct the timeline of when you will be able to make that desired purchase. Consider the amount of time you have and how much income will be available to be used for the purchase. Then, save the money needed to be able to pay for the item in full. If it is a large purchase (such as a home) and you must use a loan, then make sure that you save for a large down payment, spend within your means, and do not rob from your future.

Remember this scripture in Proverbs 21:5,

“The plans of the diligent lead to profit as surely as haste leads to poverty.”

You don’t want to jeopardize your financial future by your lack of planning and saving. You work too hard and have too much at stake!

3. Make the purchase, and stick with the plan!

When you go to make your purchase you have saved and planned for, you need to know if there will be a newer and better version of the product a few months later. Proverbs 25:28 says, “Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control.” Practice self-control and you will not be easily overcome. Stick with your plan and don’t overspend your budget for more bells and whistles. You’ll be much happier with your decision afterward. No buyer's remorse!

These principles can be applied immediately to every area of your life by implementing a budget. You can find free, downloadable Budget Forms and more financial tips at

Titus 2:11 says that the grace of God teaches us to say no to our worldly passions and enables us to live self-controlled, godly lives. It’s never too late to make good financial choices! You can do this!

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