The One Thing The Bible Commands Each Of Us To Do

3 min read

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”  (Matthew 28:19-20)

Every Christian has a part in evangelism because found people, find people! God’s heart is to reach the world with the good news. The last command Jesus gives His followers before leaving earth (Matthew 28:19-20) is evidence of God’s desire for His Church to reach lost peoples. It is God’s intention that Christians be ambassadors for Him, leading  people to be reconnected with God (2 Corinthians 5:20). So how do we live out the Great Commission in our lives?

Where do I start?

Focus on the first person that always seems to pop in your head. That is no coincidence; that is God prompting you to action! Invite that person to church, coffee, or to a meal. Just share your story with them. Tell your friend or family member what God has done in your life. But perhaps it's not so obvious. Try to list out the names of people you know who need to know Jesus, and ask God to show you who He wants you to share with first!

What should I do?

Christ modeled this for us. Time and time again, Jesus was found hanging out with the tax collectors, the sick, and the sinners. Jesus was clear that He came not to call the righteous, but the sinners.  To be like Christ, we must walk toward, not away from, the broken and the lost. Be persistent—spend time with them, love them, be Jesus to them. By modeling what you have in Christ, they are more likely to desire it for themselves!

What do I say?

Tell them the good news of the Gospel! Our greatest need is a relationship with God. Our sin has separated us from this relationship, but Jesus made a way for us to be reconnected to God! Jesus died the death we deserve. Then, He rose from the grave so we could have an abundant life here on earth and eternal life with Him! Our relationship with God is restored by faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. Following Jesus is not just a one-time decision. Honoring and following Jesus is the way Christians make every decision.

God has given us a role in the reaching the world. We are God's "Plan A" for sharing the good news of Jesus; there is no "Plan B". Don't miss out on the chance to play a part in someone meeting Jesus. 

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